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What is a Verruca?

A verruca is a benign tumour and is synonymous to a wart. A verruca is one of the most common viral infections of the skin and is caused by the papilloma virus. This verucca virus flourishes in all sorts of environments and can be picked up and transmitted by humans.

How can I catch a Verruca?

The favourable environment requires warmth and moist surrounding and that is why a verruca is often transmitted in gyms, common bathrooms and swimming pools.

For a verruca to develop, the virus must enter the skin through an abrasion or a small wound. A verruca may occur as single or multiple or indeed as a mosaic pattern. It is well demarcated and tiny black dots, which are tiny blood vessels, appear within its surface.

In itself, the condition is with no symptoms unless it is positioned on a weight bearing area where it can be very uncomfortable and indeed painful.

Treatment & Preventatives 

The best way to treat a verruca is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. When visiting swimming baths or public places, it is wise to make sure that there is no small lesion on your foot. If you find such lesion, cover it with a waterproof plaster. Also make sure to wear plimsolls in order to create a barrier.

  • Acid application by healthcare professionals.
  • Freezing the verruca (you should visit a State Registered Chiropodist or Podiatrist).
  • Surgery- If all methods fail you should visit a Dermatologist.

This information is for guidance only. If you are in doubt at all, please consult your nearest health professional.